Kent in the Mid South

Hi! My Name Is Kent in the Mid South

I'm Available

Kent is a handsome ruby 9 year old gentleman who is loving retirement life.  But don’t let his age fool you!  He does not act his age. He will come when you call his name and sits immediately. He will potty outside on a leash and in the fenced yard. He is super-eager for affection and if he feels like he is in trouble he might piddle just a little on the floor. He is smart, happy and very loving. He gets along well with his foster sibling and the entire family. He would be best in a home with another dog and a  couple of human laps to cuddle.  Kent has severe dry eye and will need eye medications for the rest of his life.

  Kent will go to his crate to eat and when he wants a rest. At night he is the first to jump into bed, but will sleep in his crate when he needs to. He will quickly make himself at home when he finds his forever home and will win your heart in a minute! 


  • Spaniel - Cavalier King Charles
  • Male
  • 8 Years OldMy DoB is 02/01/2016 (Estimated)
  • Ruby
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