In November 2022, Buttons came into Rescue along with her gal pal, Bella, after their
owner passed away. Unfortunately, no vet records could be found on the girls, so best
estimate by the intake vet was that Buttons is probably 12+ years old and Bella about 8
years old. Both girls are blind, but surprisingly capable of quickly learning their new
Bella had few issues and mostly needed a dental plus a good grooming session and was
adopted in April. Buttons was a little more challenging - she was considered to be
underweight, she had nasty ears, an issue with her skin, and she didn’t seem to be able
to sleep through the night. After a visit to the vet, it was found that her mammary
tumors were causing her some pain. Being placed on minimal pain meds, she is now
able to sleep comfortably through the night and so is her foster! About a month ago,
she had a scary episode that almost seemed like a stroke. Turns out she had Old Age
Vestibular Disease. After a couple of days, she recovered back to her old self! When
she first came in, she looked like a poor little waif, she now looks like a healthy, happy
Cavalier - particularly at her age! Definitely different from when we first brought her